
Public Facility

Main Entrances

The main entrance or entrances can include a physical access component through an automated door opening such as a sliding, revolving or swinging door. In large arenas there may be entrances via payment booths or gates. Electronic access control systems can be added to tailor security levels to suit different times. They can also be integrated with alarms and camera surveillance and controlled from a central point, logging the details of visitors who have entered.
  • Public Areas

    Public areas including toilets, cafeteria and auditoriums in public facilities may or may not be open to allow access to all visitors. Physical and logical access control solutions can be used and tailored to allow or limit access at certain parts of the day. Life-safety solutions such as emergency exits are necessary to ensure quick exit in case of emergency.
  • Emergency Exits

    An emergency exit or panic exit device must allow fast and efficient evacuation during emergency circumstances, but still remain an important part of the building’s primary security by restricting access or ensuring entry at all other times. Intelligent panic exit devices, for example, protect people and property during emergencies and at all other times.

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